Logs are very important for developers to debug critical issues like core dumps and performance. Along with server side logging, developers can monitor and debug the dedicated application. Following steps are required to set the logging for a dedicated application.
1. Open Command Prompt and execute the following command.
set SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS= (Value can be set from 0-5)2. Run the siebel application from command prompt. Following command can be used to do the same./bin/siebel.exe /c /bin/enu/ /d Local /u sadmin /p sadmin --> Web client installation directory (E.g: C:\Program Files\Siebel\7.8\web client) --> Application configuration file (E.g: uagent.cfg for call centre applications)
/d --> Data source Name as in cfg file
/u --> username to login the application
/p --> password to login the application.
By default, log file with name "Siebel.log" will be created in /log.